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Move over Barbara Walters...former NAM Miss Kansas wins TOP broadcast journalism honor, is on her way!

Each year in Kansas there is a student broadcasters convention and awards ceremony (called the Kansas Association of Broadcasters. Bascially it's like the emmy's for Kansas Broadcasting.) Well, former National American Miss Kansas AND National Spokesmodel winner(go figure!), Kassidy Knowles  recently WON for Undergraduate TV News Anchor Performance(pictured with her award). However, not only did she win this coveted award, but the judges provided feedback, stating: " that they were really impressed with the delivery and enuciation as well as the voice influction, and that Kassidy's appearance and confidence was that of a seasoned veteran." All of which, Kassidy Knowles says she owes to her stage and public speaking experience at National American Miss.

For the past few years, Kassidy, who one day dreams of becoming a major broadcast journalist, has been the lead anchor for KFHS News and will be filming her 70th newscast thisyear, which is awesome. However, dont let this "pageant girl" fool you, as Kassidy is ALSO the Station Manager for the TV Station, which puts her in charge of scheduling shows, directing and producing shows, as well as managing employees and payroll....responsibilities that are often filled by males, to which Kassidy says "it's fun showing all those boys that I CAN actually do stuff!"

Recently, Kassidy shared her accomplishment with
 me, as well as this: 
"When I first tried out for anchor at Fort Hays State University, one of the professors came up to me after my audition and asked me if I had done this sort of stuff in High School and I said 'no I haven't had any expierience on TV, but I have done pageants all my life and that's just as good I think' and he laughed and said 'I would have never guessed that you had never been on TV before, it looks like those pageant were pretty good for you.' 
I have been asked by people how pageants have helped me in TV and I always say that the confidence I have aquired from NAM is literally what keeps me going everyday. However, it's not just reading stories that a lot of people think it is, you have to speak to people through camera like you are talking to them face to face,  and that takes confidence and relaxation that you can only learn from being in front of people and performing on stage, at least that's what I believe. There are so many pageant veterans that are in Television today, and I know from expierience that this year and last year I saw 3 girls that competed with me in the Kansas Teen division at NAM at the KAB awards. I really can't imagine what my life would be like if I hadn't have competed in pageants all my life, I DEFINETLY would not have won the Best News Anchor for College TV as a Junior, that's for sure."

I have known Kassidy and her little sister Kasey since they were just tots and it's been an honor to watch these young ladies become successful women...we're so honored that NAM has been apart of their ride to the top!