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What's in your Crown Box?

What do you have stashed in that little box? If its any inkling of what your bedroom looks like, it's probably a messy situation. LOL
So, what do you REALLY need in there (aside from your crown/banner). Make sure the next time you leave the house for your appearance, your crown box contains these 5 things.

*PS - if you are a FIRST time pageant girl, you might be wondering what is a "Crown Box?" ANSWER: A crown box is like a small piece of luggage that a pageant titleholder carries her crown and banner in for safe storage, usually brining it with her to appearances.

1. Sharpie & Autograph Cards  (or business cards)
Yo'll probably get asked for your autograph or have the opportunity to pass these out at an appearance, so be ready.
2. Mints 
You always want to smell minty fresh when speaking with people. But, avoid gum so you aren't chopping on it during speaking engagements and stick to mints instead.
3. Blister Band-Aids
Most appearances require some type of physical walking in a parade, touring through your states capital with a political official, modeling...and that means you are on your feet. Shoes can cause blister, so be prepared with blister band-aids so you can KEEP UP!
4. Compact Mirror
You want to make sure that you look presentable and your crown is on straight. After all,  you are a representative.  Look the part.
5. Travel Size Tissue
Sure, it gets the boogies out. But, this can be helpful for a number of things. Possibly, during your appearances - you gave or you witnessed a moving speech or testimonial the bought you to tears. Possibly, you spilled on yourself during the dinner gala. Possibly, your hands got messy from doing manual labor on a service project. Tissues can be a quick fix.

Lastly, looking for a DREAM crown BOX to keep all this in, you can find the BEST crown boxes in 2 locations:
1. At your NAM Pageant Boutique
2. Crown Couture Collection

Signing Off in NAMstyle!

Photo Credit: Brittany Link Photography
Hair/Makeup: Makeup By Maskara
Styling: National American Miss
Product Featured: Crown Couture Collection Crown Box
Models: The 2019 NAM Jr. Teen & The 2019 NAM All-American Teen