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Arizona Royalty = BUSY GIRLS!

Our 2011 Arizona Royalty just has not stopped! I'm pretty sure there has not been 1 week-end where at least one of them isn't doing some form of community service. In two months, the girls have done eveything from fairs to food drives. Check out what these busy girls have been up to while representing the great state of Arizona!

Amber Cochran ( AZ JR. Pre-Teen), Raina Donati (AZ Pre-Teen), & Nicole Burdick (AZ Miss) had fun acting as judges at a local Pumpkin Festival

Each of the Girls held their own food drives, to benefit the United Food Bank. Here, Amber Cochran(AZ Jr. Pre-Teen) poses with all the food she helped raise donations from family & friends

Lexe Richardson(AZ Teen), Amber Chochran(AZ Jr. Pre-Teen) & Nicole Burdick(AZ Miss) are guests in numerous parades, including the ASU homecoming parade
Nicole Burdick(AZ Miss), Raina Donati(AZ Pre-Teen), & Amber Cochran(AZ Jr. Pre-Teen) continue their annual weekly service with Feed My Starving Children