National American Miss girl turns sour lemons into lemonade, mother thanks National American Miss!
I recently received an email from the mother of Mariah Steiner - a Miss Wisconsin Jr. Preteen contestant, who took home the advertising ambassador title last year, as well. I wanted to share this email with you all, as it truly shows the purpose behind National American Miss, regardless of if you win the state title or not.
Mariah who has been competing with National American Miss for the past 3 years is an AMAZING young lady who I have had the fortune of watching grow up - however, last year when Mariah returned from the Wisconsin state pageant, her family was confronted with some horrible news. Her 4 year old little brother, Hunter, was attacked by a stray pitt bull!! Obviously, rushing Hunter to the emergency room was priority and he endured treatment for the next 2 months.
While in the hospital - nurses gave Hunter a stuffed animal to hang on to (still to this, it is Hunter's favorite stuffed toy). And while waiting NUMEROUS hours and days in the hospital waiting room, Mariah and her 2 other siblings were fortunate to have children's books to read instead of boring parenting or political magazines - which the hospital provided.
Suddenly - Mariah realized why National American Miss' "books and bears" community involvement program was so important and what a difference her involvement was making! However, in true NAM fashion, this little determined diva took NAM's community invovlement program one step further and into her own hands - thus "OPERATION TEDDY BEARS AND BOOKS" was started!
You can check out her website by clicking here: OPERATION TEDDY/BOOKS.

Mariah pictured here with Hunter - donating stuffed animals to paramedics, in which they give to children in emergency situations to comfort them
Today, Hunter is doing well and mariah and her mother were so kind to share this story with me and allow me to share it with you all. Mariah's mom ended her email with this;
"Your pageant has taught her so much about helping other children, and families. Her confidence level is through the roof, she loves going to other schools and putting on demonstrations asking them to help her with Operation teddy bears and books.
To be honest, I first thought pageants were all about looks, being skinny, no glasses, no missing teeth, and no pimples! I was so wrong, and Mariah and our whole family has learned, it is about what is inside, it builds self confidence, self worth, self respect, self confidence. Its about feeling good about yourself whether you win or loose. Public speaking, being involved in your community, helping other people in need even if it means letting something of yours go to help others!
This is the true story about reaching out and touching someone, and teaching yourself and her family just how to do it. Thanks"
THANK YOU MARIAH and the whole STEINER family for sharing this story with National American Miss and showing everyone how to turn sour lemons into lemonade!
For those of you who are still new to National American Miss: 10% of the overall competitions is based on each contestants participation in the community involvement, aka "books and bears" program. Each state finalist must bring at least one book of one stuffed animal to the pageant to get this 10% of her score. The first responsibility of new National American Miss state queens and cover girls is to choose a children's charitable organization of her choice - and donate the books and bears to those organizations!! However, like Mariah - you don't just have to win a state competition to realize the importance of giving back and service within your community. If you, too, are interested in donating some of the books and bears from your state pageant to a children's organization, fire department, EMS, hospital, etc - talk to your state director and we would be happy to send you home with books and bears from your state pageant to help give back to those kids in need!