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NAM girl is a LAW ABIDING CITIZEN...along with Jaime Foxx!!

The hit blockbuster, Law Abiding Citizen has lots of known faces - from Jaime Foxx to Gerard Butler!!

However, most notable face is Emerald- Angel Young (pictured left at the movie premiere) - the 2007 National American Miss Princess.

After winning our national competition - Emerald continued down the acting path and has built up quite a resume, most recently playing Jamie Foxx's daughter in Law Abiding Citizen (filming a scene with Foxx below left).

In last week's EXAMINER, correspondent Melissa Viscount sat down with Emerald about her new role and how she got there - in which NAM is given credit!!!!

Just goes to National American Miss, dreams REALLY do come true.

Read the online article featuring Emerald, by clicking HERE and dont forget to see Law Abiding Citizen at a theatre near you!!!