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National American Miss Open Calls....

It's a question we get asked often, here in our offices, when the phone rings:

" I got a letter in the mail for an open call, what is it - can you tell me more?"

Well, I have the answers!

If you received an invitation to an Open Call, CONGRATS - its your (or your daughter's) exclusive invitation to our open call (not everyone gets one - dont believe me - ask around), which is an opportunity for you to find out about our program and be one step closer to becoming the next National American Miss. Now...usually the next question on your mind is how did you get mine or my daughter's name? Read a few blogs earlier, as I also answer that. =)

Here is what you need to know:

Each Open Call session is about 45 minutes long (Actual Open Call session photographed above,) is FREE to attend, and is TOTALLY informational. Our TRUE purpose of these open calls is to break down the stereotypes of know like from what you see on T.V....and why we are different. After all, we want you to know that National American Miss is a program that centers on the integrity and dependability that your busy family expects! (P.S. - we are ACCREDITED MEMBERS and have an A+ rating with the BBB - check us out HERE ON THE BBB SITE)

BUT - that's not all that takes place at the open call. You see, THIS is also one of the ways that we select who gets to become a state finalist in the National American Miss state pageant. Not every girl gets accepted to be in the pageant, meaning we don't just let everyone compete. Each young lady who attends an Open Call will fill out an Official Application and go on a fun and brief interview with members of our selection committee. ( If your daughter is 5 - im sure the word "interview" raises question. Don't worry - the selection committee only asks easy and age appropriate questions, like what do you want be when you grow up. At that young of an age - we just want to make sure that she's a nice girl, SHE wants to do this, and she is someone who would be a great role model for other little girls her age!)
National American Miss queen's take time during the Open Call to sign autographs for potential state - finalist.

And - thats not all - you and your family will even leave the session with all the information you need in hand that covers everything discussed at the Open Call and answers all your questions. If your daughter is selected to become a state finalist for the National American Miss state pageant, then your family will be notified within a week and you'll move on from there with training sessions, workshops, and lots of great information!

aNAM Open Call for Miss California 2009
Sooo excited to check you in at the Open Call is our reigning royalty and their families....after all we are are family event!

If you STILL have questions about the Open Call or NAM, in general - do your research by hitting the web and you can even contact our pageant office for the facts!

Looking forward to seeing you at your open call.....the search is on for the next National American Miss...are you her???