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National American Miss National Emcee makes headlines as she debuts on popular HBO television show

Joy Suprano, National American Miss, Breanne Maples, Ryan Ewing,  HBO,  How to make it in america, emcee, entertainer, Miss Pennsylvania, National American Miss,
Sooo...since we are gearing up for NATIONALS, I thought I would better acquaint those of you who have not attended Nationals to our National Emcee and Entertainer, Joy Suprano. And for those of you who have attended Nationals, you will find this super exciting!

Joy, a former Miss Pennsylvania herself, has been a part of the NAMily since it's inception and is making quite the name for herself in NYC, gracing tv and movie screens across the globe.

Recently, in promoting her new role on HBO's How to Make it in America - Joy was interviewed by the Herring Bone Sports News.

Thought I would share with all of you. Like I said, If you know her, read on to know her better and if you don't know her yet - you will!

Click the logo below to read her interview!