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Miss Nebraska Pre-Teen spotting!

Cassandra Salas, NAM Nebraska Pre-Teen, was recently spotted singing the National Anthem at a Omaha Lancer Hockey game. Cassandra has been competing in NAM since she was 4 and has even held the Princess and Jr. Pre-Teen titles before aging into and capturing the Pre-Teen title. Aside, from all of her experience being on stage, Cassandra is still just a typical tween. Her mom shared this with me about her experience, "it's really funny because she never gets nervous when she sings at NAM or in front of the judges but she was really sweating it right before she went on. Maybe it was the idea of singing in front all those boys! But, the Lancer's director said it was refreshing to see two organizations (NAM and Lancer Hockey) come together in support of our youth today."

Super cool!!