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Iowa captures NAM princess title

It was a big day for Team Maples competitors yesterday and a big congratulations goes out to all of our wonderful representatives! 

Princess All-American: 3rd runner up (Miah Green from Utah) & 2nd runner up (Hayleigh Ranf from Arizona)

Jr. Pre-Teen All-American: 1st Runner up (Kloey Monthei from Missouri)

Princess Queens: Top 10 (Natalia Bingham from Utah), 4th runner-up (Grace Nester from Minnesota), *** NATIONAL PRINCESS!!!!! (Shae Smolik from Iowa) ***

Jr. pre-Teen Queens: 1st Runner up (Emma Strom from Nebraska)

What a great day!! We can't wait to see what the upcoming pageants have in store! Be sure to tune in live for the events at