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Illinois Queens Help Out at Lansing Food Pantry

On December 30th, some of the Illinois queens spent their morning helping out at the Lansing Food Pantry located in Lansing, Illinois.  The girls were asked to assist in handing out food and other necessities to those in need in the local area.  In attendance were National American Miss Jr. Pre-Teen, Tatum Pearlman, National American Miss Illinois Pre-Teen, Brianna Lewis, National Cover Girl, Brianna Jackson, and National American Miss Illinois, Carolina Barrera. The girls reported that what they loved most about this outing was being able to see the people they were assisting and helping to put a smile on the faces of others during this holiday season. 

The Lansing Community Food Pantry is a partner with the Greater Chicago Food Depository.  Support comes from local businesses, organizations, churches, schools, and individual donations of money and food.  People in need can come twice a month to receive non-perishable food, choices of meat, fresh fruit, vegetables, margarine and milk. Clients may also choose other non-food items.