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Top 10 of 2010 - National American Miss #3

Wow! What a year it's been!

The fist pump became a staple dance move in american culture thanks to Jersey Shore, digital grew up thanks to inventions like the ipad, Avatar broke new boundaries in cinema, Brett Favre retired AGAIN...and AGAIN..and AGAIN, and we here at National American Miss awarded more than $1.5 million dollars in cash, scholarships, and prizes to young ladies across the country.

Like my favorite tv stations - VH1, MTV, & BRAVO - thought I, too, would look back at the top 10 of 2010...but National American Miss style! Follow along these next 10 days as we look back at what happened & what made headlines in pageantry & at National American Miss.....

#3 NAM FAM continues to grow...

It's no secret that National American Miss puts emphasis on family values. Our pageants take place in a family environment and as a company, we are even family run (me, my parents, my sister -in - law, my aunt, my cousin, etc). And then there are those that are not "blood relatives," but pose as something special in our lives and that we consider family - they are our NAM FAM. Since it's the Holiday Season, I thought it was important that #3 on the Top 10 showcased our NAM FAM....afterall, it's something that continues to set NAM a part from the rest. When a girl gets crowned, the first thing I say to her is not congratulations, but it's with a hug and smile that I say, "welcome to the family."

So, to all of you who joined the NAMFAM in 2010, whether it was as a staff member, a new queen, or cover girl , we have loved making you an addition to our growing NAMFAM! Congrats 2010 Queens & Cover Girls!

....and on a personal note, I can't wait for the new additions among the staff member of our NAMFAM (babies and marriages) taking place in 2011!!!