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NAM, NFL, NBA...what do they all have in common?

NAM, NFL, and NBA all have one thing in common ... the girls! And no, I don't mean that NAM girls are trading in their tiaras and heels for helmets and jerseys. But, National American Miss girls across the country are going from center stage to center court...or center field as PROFESSIONAL NBA & NFL Cheerleaders. Here are few former National American Miss titleholders that recently contacted me with the exciting news about making the cut!

Name: Bishara Dorre
NAM Titles won: '06 WI Jr. Teen, '08 WI Teen, '09 WI Miss, & NATIONAL MISS
Cheerleader for: NBA - Milwaukee Bucks

Name: Taylor Gorton
NAM Titles won: '07 OK Jr. Teen & National JR. TEEN, '09 OK Teen & National TEEN
Cheerleader for: NFL - St. Louis Rams

Name: Kayla Casciano
NAM Titles won: '04 Minnesota Jr. Preteen, '08 Minnesota Jr. Teen
Cheerleader for: NFL - Minnesota Vikings

Now you can root for your favorite team...and your favorite NAM girl turned PRO Cheerleader!