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Raina Donati, 2011 AZ Pre-Teen, " it is an honor for me to serve my community."

As I look back on my year, I am reminded of a quote by the Apostle Paul. "To Whom much is given...much is expected.

I have been given so many gifts and opportunities in my life, that it is an honor for me to serve my community.

I been blessed to serve so many wonderful organizations, such as Operation Home front, Feed my Starving Children, Pennies for Patients and The Phoenix Children’s Hospital  to name a few, but perhaps my 2 favorite were, Maggie’s Place , a shelter for homeless expecting women and The Miss Amazing Pageant.  At Maggie’s Place I helped throw their annual Halloween Party, where I was in charge of doing crafts with kids. I also collected and donated over 75 Halloween costumes .  After the day of fun and tons of Candy, I also donated 75 toothbrushes to make sure to keep the kids smiles at Maggie’s Place healthy.  The Miss Amazing Pageant is a pageant system that gives the whole “pageant experience” to girls with special needs. It was such a blessing spending the day with these “Amazing Girls”. These girls were such an inspiration to me.

I have also had tons of fun this year visiting the CA and Utah State Pageants, doing parades, ringing in the New Year with my sister Queens and who could forget Nationals…The Hollywood Tour, Disneyland and seeing all the friends I have made throughout my years competing in NAM was a Blast. Making the Top 10 at Nationals was such an honor!

There are so many people to thank. Lani and Breanne Maples, thank you for the NAM experience! The parents of my sister Queens I love you all! The Sieberlich’s, thanks for the winning gown. Nicole, you are such a beautiful person in and out. I couldn’t think of a better role model and big sister that I’d rather have. Lexe- You are so beautiful and fun to be around…keep singing! Chandi- You are such a great friend and big sister. It was my pleasure to reign with you this year. Amber- my little star “sister” you are amazing and so much fun to reign with,  I love ‘ya! Athena- you are so adorable…don’t lose your spunk!

To Mom and Dad- Thank you for all you do for me, I am so lucky to have you both! Gia- Thank you for being who you are, you always are there for me. I love you!
To all of the contestants this year, Good luck! Only one of you will take home the crown, but all of you can make friends and memories to last a lifetime! Aim for the moon even if you miss you’ll be among stars.

For the last time I am your 2011-2012 AZ Pre-Teen, Raina Donati