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Former National American Miss Maryland Featured on the Cover of Action Line Magazine

 Your former NAMiss Maryland Princess & Jr. Pre-Teen Queen Nya Vasquez was featured in an article  as well as on the cover of Action Line magazine! Action Line Magazine is a teacher's magazine printed in Maryland.  This months cover story is about ways to prevent bullying in schools. As we always say, it's so COOL to see where NAM girls are making a difference in their communities. 

Bullying has become such a popular platform for girls and a hot topic amongst educators and parents in the past 5 years.  I am always proud to see NAM girls out making a big impact in this area.  My personal belief is that a good dose of self-confidence and a support system made up of true friends is the best defense against bullying.  Girls that know who they are and are not just comfortable with themselves but PROUD to be the way they are, just exactly the way they are, have the foundation to better deal with any bullying situation.  Combine that with true friends that feel the same and you're no match for a bully. 

If there was ever a better answer to the question, "why should I participate in a National American Miss  pageant?"  Isn't that the best answer?!  Making friends and gaining the confidence through actions in your own abilities by being on stage for NAM competitions and experiencing the workshop, rehearsals, and friendship building parties.  I love what NAM is doing for girls and am so PROUD of girls like Nya in Maryland and others around the country like Jordan Fowler out in California or Amanda Moreno out in Georgia just to name a few. 

Keep it up NAM girls!  See you at the Open Calls happening now and looking forward to the pageants this summer!

You can view the entire article in Action Line Magazine online at:

Originally posted by  Megan and Brian Cournoyer.