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2014 Missouri Pre-Teen Cover Girl, Madisyn Reid's Farewell

My year as the 2014 National American Miss Missouri Pre-Teen Cover Girl has been such a blast! The year has flown by with so many exciting moments and priceless memories.
My year began with delivering books & school supplies to my local "Ronald McDonald House" and "Grace Hill Head Start". I have been able to help my community in so many ways.
Some highlights of my year included a bake sale and Christmas toy drive for St Louis Children's Hospital with Halos Childhood Cancer Foundation, helping my local VFW Post 2593 with their "Poppy Sales" that benefits our local veterans and I made crafts for a local nursing home that my family and I delivered on Christmas day.
My family, friends, neighbors and community supported, encouraged, and helped me get to Nationals where I captured 2014-15 National American Miss Pre-Teen National Cover Girl.
My reign as Cover Girl may be ending but the confidence I have gained along with the importance of helping others will last a lifetime. To my successor, may you be blessed on your journey and cherish every moment! Last but not least, a big thank you to National American Miss for this amazing opportunity!
With Love,
Madisyn Reid
2014 Missouri Pre-Teen Cover Girl
2014-15 National Pre-Teen Cover Girl