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Haiti needs help - NAM girls lend a hand

It doesnt much for each person to HELP those in need. Just a few hours, just a few dollars. But, when each person contributes, even just a little - the results are BIG. As Americans continue to lend their aids to Haitians, suffering from the aftermath of the massive Earthquake, girls at National American Miss are no exception. Just take a look at how easy it is to help:

Ashley Edwards, NAM New York Teen, and some of her NAM friend held a fundraiser for Haiti last friday to help raise funds for UNICEF Haiti Relief. The girls held a bake-sale and collected canned foods and clothing. In just a few short hours, the girls successfully raised $150 and are planning on continuing their efforts for the next few weekends. 

You, too can make a difference!! Just a few hours, just a few dollars.