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2015 Miss Iowa Jr. Pre-Teen, Sydney Busick's Farewell

Wow! I can’t believe it’s already been a whole year since I was crowned the 2015 Miss Iowa Jr. Pre-Teen! My year has been filled with so many blessings and amazing opportunities!
I have been able to volunteer my time at several of my community’s events. I’ve also been invited to appear as a special guest and presenter at the Clarke County Fair and 4th of July events while mentoring girls in my community and getting to participate in parades.
Some of the most special times were spent with my sister queens. I love you girls! Together we visited the Capitol and met the Governor and Lt Governor! We did a photo shoot in Des Moines and donated books and supplies to Blank Children’s Hospital, while we visited with some of the courageous patients there.
And who can forget going to NATIONALS! What an amazing experience! I met so many new friends from all over the country! Of course Disney and Hollywood was AWESOME! And I will never forget playing in the Pacific Ocean with my girls Lilly and Addison!
I have so many people to thank… to my sister Queens: Larissa, Rebecca, Kenna, Maddy, Anna, Kaylee, Addison and Lilly you will always be in my heart. I love you all and the time we get to spend together. To the Mays, Breanne and Ryan and all the NAM staff YOU GUYS ROCK! Thank you for this amazing opportunity! And of course a big thank you to my parents, grandparents, family and friends I couldn’t have done any of this without your love and support. Mom, thanks for helping me with…EVERYTHING! Dad, thank you for being here and being my special escort I love you both so much!
Finally to all you new contestants, I hope you are as blessed as I have been! Don’t forget to have fun with NAM, it will give back everything you put in and more. And remember….

A girl with dreams….A girl with confidence…. Is a girl that is unstoppable. 

With Love,
Your 2015 Miss Iowa Jr. Pre-Teen
Sydney Busick