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2015 Miss Missouri Jr. Teen, Tiffany Brown's Farewell

Wow! What a year it has been since I was crowned your 2015 Miss Missouri Jr. Teen!

First of all, I would like to take a moment to say thank you to my family for supporting me, Ryan and Breanne for being the best state pageant directors ever, and God for having blessed me with this wonderful experience.
During my reign, I’ve had the opportunity to volunteer with the Ronald McDonald House, the Missouri Dept. of Social Services, my own “Smiles for Seniors” project, and my own “Bee Kind” anti-bullying campaign. Through volunteering, I’ve had the opportunity to make a difference in the lives of young and old alike.
Some of my favorite experiences occurred while presenting my “Bee Kind” anti-bullying campaign to Kindergarten classes in various school districts. When one little girl saw my crown, she asked me if I lived in a castle and if I had a prince! So cute! Another little girl threw her arms around my neck and said, “I Love You” and she didn’t want to let go. In one of the classrooms, I had made card stock cut-outs with a picture of a little baby bee that said, “Bee Kind” and the kids all decided they wanted my autograph on their cut-outs! I was a celebrity for a day!!!! They were so sweet! I realized that through volunteering, the goal is to help someone else, but the joy I experienced has been priceless! My goal is to make “volunteering” a part of my life, with or without a crown because, when I do, I know that I will always feel like a queen!
Another fabulous experience was going to Nationals! Going to Disneyland and all of the crazy themed rehearsals were so much fun! Having done NAM for several years now, I’ve had the privilege to share my Nationals experience with some of the same girls from years gone by and I can truly say that I have made friendships that will last a lifetime. It’s so exciting that I will have the opportunity to visit some of my friends, new and old, while attending their state pageants as visiting royalty.
I also had several modeling and fashion show opportunities during my year. All of those hours spent in my driveway practicing my formal wear walk really paid off! I was a model in LA Fashion Week and in several other fashion shows and events.
I am so excited to meet more friends as I move forward and have the opportunity to participate in Pageant Prep workshops and crown one lucky girl at the Missouri state pageant! I can’t wait to meet all of you! We are going to have an AWESOME time!!!

2015 Miss Missouri Jr. Teen
Tiffany Brown