Farewell to Miss Iowa Jr. Pre-Teen Cover Girl Zyrianna Cerna-Koehrsen
“We can’t help everyone, but everyone can help someone.”
These famous words once spoken by our 40th president Ronald Reagan are words I live by.
During my reign as the 2016 Iowa Junior PreTeen Cover Girl I volunteered more than 300 hours in my community by serving dinner at the Ronald McDonald House, donating more than 2,500 books, creating hats for the homeless out of old sweaters, and most importantly raising awareness for child abuse prevention by hosting my 4th annual event and art contest, planting pinwheels and getting my entire community involved in BLUE day.
I was visiting royalty at 6 pageants, appeared in 5 parades, and even got to throw the first pitch for the Waterloo Bucks! Attending the National Pageant in California was a blast and the themed rehearsals were awesome! I even earned the National Junior PreTeen Cover Model Title!
I owe a HUGE thank you to all of my amazing state and National Sponsors. Without them, none of this would have been possible.
To my sister queens, being rained on during the Iowa State Fair parade a blast. Maddy & Mya, We had such a fun year. I love you girls! Chuck, my insta-bestie, you have made this year unforgettable. I love you and I know our friendship will last a lifetime.
Robin & Emerie, Because of you two, I felt so confident and prepared. I love you both! Joe, you really do know how to make a girl shine. I will always love my dress "Big Blue." To my amazing support team, thank you for cheering me on and always believing in me.
Rylan and Ariza, You two are the best brother and sister in the world. I love you both so much! Mommy and Daddy, you truly are my biggest fans. Thank you for all of your love and support and for always pushing me to be better than who I was yesterday!
Breanne and Ryan, AKA the best state directors EVER! Thank you for all you do. PS. The Backstreet Boys are WAY cooler than Nsync. Just Sayin’
To my successor, get ready for the year of a lifetime and remember, by helping just one person, you can help change the world.
With love, I am your fiery redheaded 2016 Iowa Junior PreTeen Cover Girl, Zyrianna Cerna-Koehrsen