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Miss Iowa Princess, Shae's Farewell

 In May of 2013 I had one of the most exciting days of my life!  I won the title of Miss Iowa Princess!  I had never competed in a pageant before and my mom really had no idea what to expect so we were blindsided when I actually won.  

     When I arrived at the hotel I immediately started making new friends and having fun.  I got to participate in optional contests, watch other age groups pageants and just had a blast hanging out with all of my new friends.    I was so shocked when at the finale pageant the announcer said, "Your new Iowa Princess Queen is...Shae Smolik!"  I started crying with joy after I heard those words and then I could hear my mom yelling out from the crowd.

     After the crowning I delivered books and toys to Mercy's children's hospital and met some adorable patients.  I have also had the opportunity to be in the Race for the Cure with my Queen sisters and the Waukee City parade.  I raised money and food for the Food Bank of Iowa which felt so good to help the hungry!  I have an amazing group of Queen Sisters that i will cherish forever.  I also got to be visiting Royalty at many other State pageants and met many more friends.  I love to pass out trophies to all the contestants to see their faces light up with joy!

     When I went to Nationals in November I had a blast.  My entire family was there and we got to experience Disneyland, Santa Monica Pier, and my mom and I were even bus captains for our tour.  My goal at Nationals was to make it to the top 5 at the finals so I was totally amazed when I actually won the crown of National American Miss Princess 2013-2014!  I have been told that an Iowa contestant has never been a National Queen and that I finally broke the "curse" so that means...GET READY FOR MORE NATIONAL QUEENS FROM IOWA!!

     First and foremost I want to thank God for all that I have been blessed with in my life.  Second, I want to thank my family for all of their hard work.  And lastly I want to thank the beautiful and wonderfully crazy, Breanne Maples, and her Fiancé Ryan along with the entire amazing staff of my NAMILY!

With Love,
Shae Smolik