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Miss Nebraska Teen, Amanda Hayes' Farewell

I can’t believe that one year ago on April 28th I was crowned your National American Miss Nebraska Teen. As soon as the shock wore off my busy year began. I began with donating the school supplies to the Crossroads Shelter in Kearney. 

Throughout my year I had the opportunity to ride in several parades, rain or shine! I kept myself busy with volunteering for many organizations including the arthritis foundation, Special Olympics, and the Miss Amazing pageant. 

Before I knew it, it was Thanksgiving week and I was off to California for nationals! It was so great getting to know all of the girls and creating memories I will have for a lifetime. 

To my sister queens, we have all had the opportunity to become so close. This year has been amazing with each and every one of you. I couldn’t ask for better sister queens. Jamera, nationals wouldn’t have been the same without you! We had a blast anywhere we went. From screaming our heads off when cheering on our younger sister queens, rehearsals, or Disney Land. I couldn’t imagine this year without you. Thank you Megan and Morgan for making my experience with National American Miss so great. To Breanne, Ryan, and the NAM staff thank you for everything you do! Of course I need to thank Grandma Sharyn, Autumn, Caylub, Shayne and Jacob for all your love and support. Thank you Courtney, Emerie, and Robin for always making me look my best. Joe I don’t think my mom or I could have gotten through this year without you. You are the best make-up artist there is and you keep my mom semi calm. 

To my parents, Daddy thanks for always being the best escort and always paying for things rather you knew you did that or not. Mom, it’s been quite the journey. Fourteen long and memorable years. Thank you for everything you have done for me. I can’t even begin to describe why you should be wearing this crown instead of me. 

To the person I crown, enjoy every minute! You’re in for a year of lifetime. To the girls who don’t walk away with the crown. I have been in your shoes so many times. Walk away tonight with your head held high and be proud of your accomplishments. The crown doesn’t define who you are.  This year has been truly a dream come true. For the final time I am your 2013 National American Miss Nebraska Teen, Amanda Hayes.